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Engineering Colleges and UniversitiesChemical engineers use chemistry to solve engineering problems such as how to consistently make pharmaceutical drugs. A chemical engineering school, which gives the student a bachelor's degree, prepares the student to use mathematical and scientific principles to design, develop, and evaluate systems using chemical processes. Civil engineering schools, on the other hand, allow individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to design, develop, and evaluate structural entities, load-bearing entities, transportation, water resources, and environmental safety – basically, anything used by the population in cities and towns. Roads, buildings, bridges, dams, water-supply systems, and airports are just a few examples of things designed by civil engineers. Computer engineering schools prepare the graduate to use mathematical and scientific principles to design and develop computer hardware and software systems, as well as computer-related facilities and equipment. Electrical engineering schools offer majors such as aerospace applications, broadcasting, communications, computers, controls, and power generation and transmission. The graduate of an electrical engineering school is well-prepared to apply mathematical and scientific principles to designing, developing, and operating electrical, electronic, and communications systems and their components. Industrial engineering schools help individuals learn how to manage staff, equipment, buildings, raw materials, information, and energy to make a product or service. Those who attend industrial engineering schools usually major in operations research and quality control. Mechanical engineering schools prepare individuals to design, test, and supervise the manufacture of things such as motors, machines, and medical equipment. After graduation, mechanical engineers often go into fields like automotive design, heating and air conditioning, and testing. To learn more about engineering curriculums and careers, browse through the following list of Engineering and Technology Schools in the USA. Featured Engineering SchoolsMore Engineering Schools
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